The RUAHA Notes
Makifu Primary School Library
Idodi celebrating Environmental Day
Sunflower seed oil press in Mahuninga
Makifu Guide Training
Makifu Guide Training
Since 2005 I have been supporting The Ruaha Conservation Fund (RCF). This NGO was founded by
Dr. Dulle, a retired senior Veterinary Officer in the Veterinary Investigation Center in Iringa, Tanzania. Dr. Dulle joined me with my work with the Friends of Ruaha Society (FORS) in 1999. He worked tirelessly with FORS, illuminating urgent village issues. He was also, among many other things, the founder of the successful Environmental Education Program.
Both Dr. Dulle and I left FORS in May 2005. As a result of this, in order that he could continue his work with the village communities adjacent to Ruaha Park, he decided to begin his own NGO - the Ruaha Conservation Fund (RCF). The programs started by the RCF are outlined here: Ruaha Conservation Fund 2005-2016.
I fully support this Fund, which is 100 percent Tanzanian.
Fund Details:
Registered on the 7th November 2005
Registration No: 00NGO/0509
Founder: Dr. Charles Dulle
Ruaha Conservation Fund
RCF Newsletter Archive
Click on a link to view and download past newsletters:
October 2016 | March 2016 | November 2014 | December 2013 | June 2013 | October 2012
May 2012 | 2011 | August 2010
Idodi Primary School Tree Nursery
Idodi Environmental Day Celebrations
Idodi Environmental Centre
Celebrations at the opening of the Idodi Environmental Centre
Front entrance to the Idodi Enviromental Centre
Mkuyu Guide School students visit Jongomero Camp
Mkuyu Guide School students visit Jongomero Camp
Dr Dulle and I giving a new computer to the Head teacher of Msembe School (This is the school for the Park Rangers children)
Personal Contributions
In addition to our work with RCF and FORS, Rob and I have made a wide range of personal donations and supported conservation in and around the Park. Our personal conservation work is summarized here.
Idodi Environmental Day Celebrations
Kitisi Football team in new kit
Environmental Day Celebrations
Friends of Ruaha Society
From 1994 - 2005 I was a committee member of Friends of Ruaha Society (FORS) and was the Chairperson for FORS for many of those years. Our achievements with FORS from 1994 to 2005 are outlined here: Friends of Ruaha Society 1994-2005 achievements.